Living Heart Intelligence Ltd.

Mycofascial Integration
 and Somatic Re-education

Medicinal movement and mindfulness for people who don't like traditional therapy and mindfulness.

When people seek therapy, coaching, mentoring, or spiritual direction, they're hungry for something.

But I don't just give you a fish to eat. Nor do I merely teach you how to fish. I help you learn how to make a fishing pole, how to find and hook bait, how to select a fishing spot, how the seasons and weather affect fish behavior, and what sort of bait to use to attract the fish you want. This knowledge gives you much more than a temporary fix; it will serve you for a lifetime.

Whether you're experiencing a creative block, weighed down by unresolved trauma, fearful of the future, stuck in a job or relationship that doesn't serve you, or you simply know that there's much more to life than what you've been experiencing and you're done with the mundane mediocrity of a crass consumer culture, Living Heart Intelligence can support your process.

Contact me for a free consultation today!

Distress and dis-ease result from a disruption of your innate ability to stay well.

Health is a condition of functionally-integrated wholeness.

("health" derives from the Old English hælþ, meaning "wholeness, a being whole")

Mycofascial Integration™ gets you back to your whole self, unencumbered by the life-depleting distress and toxins of modern society. No drugs, no tricks, no hacks...just your embodied quantum intelligence set free and optimized to support your full potential.


Rooted in science. Open to mystery.
Committed to intelligent change.



I specialize in working with the following dynamics, identities, and conditions...

  • Spiritual seekers
  • Creatives and creative blocks
  • ADHD/OCD/etc.
  • PTSD
  • College students
  • Recovering academics
  • Tech/media/internet attachment
  • Life transitions/soul purpose
  • Relationship tensions
  • Career stagnation/dissatisfaction
  • Psychedelic integration
  • Grief/grieving
  • Anyone traumatized by intense, acute events and/or subtle, chronic, daily distress
  • Anyone dissatisfied with, or unhelped by, traditional therapies

What is Mycofascial Integration?

Mycofascial Integration™ is a technique of medicinal movement that engages and expands your innate ability to self-regulate and heal from all manner of distress and dis-ease in life. The term conveys the idea that our fascial system -- the connective tissues permeating our entire body -- is like the mycelium in a forest. Mycelium is the underground web of fungal threads from which mushrooms grow. In natural ecologies such as forests, this mycelial network interconnects and interfaces among all other forms of life; it facilitates communication, nutrient exchange, immune function, and fluid flow. Fascia functions like a web of mycelium in the body: the body-wide network of connective tissues interconnects and supports literally all other neurophysiological functions, processes, and structures, both "mental" and "physical." In fact, the fascia is our primary sensory organ, and plays crucial roles in all cognitive functions including memory, imagination, emotion/feeling, communication, perception, and reflective analysis.

The diverse forms and functions of fascial tissues serve as the tangible synthesis of what we abstractly call "mind" and "body." Science has roundly shown that there is no such mind-body, mental-physical duality. Cognition is a set of multidimensional, dynamic processes that cannot be simplistically reduced to an obsolete duality such as "mental" v. "physical." (In my doctoral dissertation, I traced the origin of this perspective to an error in logical reasoning made by Parmenides, a pre-Socratic philosopher who lived 2,500 years ago. It's about time we move beyond this faulty perspective!)

Everything in human existence is a cognitive phenomenon. When all the diverse, dynamic levels of our living selves are in harmonious relationship, we are healthy, creative, energetic, resilient, strong, loving, compassionate, and motivated. When this holistic functioning is disrupted, we experience dis-ease, literally; we become depressed, anxious, tired, ill, lethargic, fearful, and weak. Mycofascial Integration™ supports the re-integration of your multidimensional cognitive abilities so that you can get back to a life of health, well-being, and happiness.

Living Heart Intelligence

Down-to-Earth, no-nonsense, embodied intelligence for a world obsessed with the artificial

There is no shortage of hype about artificial intelligence these days. In fact, there is a gross excess of hype about it. Our collective and individual consciousness has been taken hostage by tech-obsessed media; by marketing algorithms that exploit biological need and tangible imagination in service of abstract and sensationalized banality; and by narcissistic tech-bro meme lords and self-proclaimed savior-entrepreneurs who preach a gospel of AI- and computer-created social paradise. Hardly anyone is talking about the intelligence that is vastly more interesting, extensive, and powerful than any computer on Earth:


Living intelligence - quite literally manifest in the flesh, blood, bark, bones, and bacteria populating the living ecologies of animals, plants, fungi, and microbes - is quantitatively and qualitatively superior to any digital technology ever created. And yet, most people in modern industrial societies are severely disconnected from this intelligence. Many people are so disconnected that this way of talking about mind and life probably sounds very strange! And yet, there exists an abundance of scientific evidence affirming the ancient wisdom that regards life itself as the tangible manifestation of a divine, cosmic intelligence that exceeds any actual or possible attempt to measure it. As the genius mathematician and physicist Blaise Pascal remarked centuries ago: "Reason's last step is the recognition that there is an infinity of things which is beyond it."

Paradoxically, it is at this very moment in history - when machines, computers, and other disembodied, inhuman technologies threaten to undermine the very essence of what it means to be alive - that we most need to draw on the cosmic, quantum intelligence we each potentially manifest, but which has been unjustly and harmfully suppressed in the effort to shape us into unthinking, unfeeling, homogenized robot people serving a runaway industrial economy that sees green only as money and has, literally and figuratively, lost the forest for the trees (and the trees for the cells, and the cells for the molecules, and the molecules for the atoms, and the atoms for the protons, and the protons for the quarks, and the quarks for the....wait, what are we talking about again?).

There is nothing wrong with you. But there is a heck of a lot wrong with how we're living these days. Living Heart Intelligence is an experience of reclaiming your divine essence as a bold, beautiful, creative, intelligent, and boundless being who moves through life with passion, vigor, health, and vitality. It is a rejection of the sad industrial commodity economic ideology that conditions people into becoming spiritually flaccid, physically compromised, creatively inept, and intellectually hollow consumer lemmings whose primary purpose in life is to work mind-numbing jobs in order to buy cheap plastic stuff and escape their pain by bingeing on the latest mass-produced entertainment distraction.

  • If you're tired of the rat race, the monkey-in-a-cubicle feeling, the numb mediocrity, and the homogenization of the human spirit into "basic" people in service of a crass consumer culture that panders to the lowest common denominator...
  • If you have a nagging feeling that you're capable of so much more and you're tired of settling for a false comfort propped up by the synthetic convenience of supposedly "smart" gadgets...
  • If you're in a mid-life, quarter-life, half-life, or full-life crisis and you don't know how to break through...
  • If you feel like you're just treading water and getting really tired of it...

then Living Heart Intelligence may be just what you need. Contact me here for a free consultation, or check out the What is Living Heart Intelligence page for more information.